Shopping List

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Shopping is many people\'s favorite leisure activity. We all know that shopping has overcome the limits of only buying things as needed, so it has become a way of spending the days, like a way to spend the weekend or something. People buy when they need something, but they also buy to feel better about themselves, buy things to be in step with fashion, buy things for themselves, for others... And that\'s why most of the shopping malls work great, not just the shops and the markets, but also the restaurants and the cafeterias. The two friends Maggie and Candice also love shopping. They love buying new things and making a refreshment in their lives once in a while, but mostly they are rather conscious about the way how they spend their money. This time they have made a list of things they like to buy in their favorite mall. That way, they will be able to focus more on the things they need, not on the things that sparkle in the shop windows. Maggie and Candice are in their favorite mall, so let\'s help them find the objects they need.

Click on an object in the scene if you found an object of interest


Hidden Objects Shopping



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