The Night Chronicles

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Bank robberies are usually very brave people, but not in a positive way this time. They have the courage, or let\'s say the impudence, to enter into the bank and force the bank officers to give them the money. Or they make big plans how to enter into the safe and take even more money from there.Detective Emma is called to come in one small American city, to explore the biggest robbery case of a bank, until now. It is rather strange that there wasn\'t criminal before in this city, so its citizens are rather surprised and upset by the recent events and the fact that the biggest robbery in the history has happen exactly in their city.Exploring the traces and the evidences, Emma has found out that the local policemen haven\'t explored the case enough – that is her opinion. Because of that, she starts her own investigation with intention to find out the robber responsible for this case and find the stolen money. Everything points out that there are many people involved in this case, not just one, because the crime is really big and it goes the same for the stolen amount of money. Maybe some people that seem naïve and innocent at first will be the ones that have interfered in the biggest bank robbery lately. Let\'s help Emma get to the real truth.

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