Hidden Temple

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Nicole, Christine and Larry are three real adventurers that love traveling and discovering new places. Sometimes they follow rumors and legends about a certain place, while sometimes they follow their own intuition that leads them somewhere, being the first persons who have found some hidden location.There were rumors about the hidden temple of the Gods. No-one knew something more about this place, but those rumors were enough for the three adventurers, to move them to pack their things and start a new journey. Nicole, Christine and Larry arrive at the Penelis island which is the place where this hidden temple of the Gods should be located. No one has explored this place in details before, so our three heroes are very happy because they are going to be the first persons who will have the chance to do that.This place was a real mystery until now, but now time has come to discover the secrets of the hidden temple of the Gods. Let’s use this chance to discover something new and feel that special excitement that follows it.

Click on an object in the scene if you found an object of interest


Hidden Objects Adventure



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