Easter Adventure

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Easter is coming, one of the most beautiful holidays in the year. From one side, this holiday has a very beautiful meaning and symbolic. On the other hand, it is a very beautiful holiday that makes the whole family happy. The kids love it, the grown ups too... It\'s one of those holidays when the whole family gathers together and spends beautiful moments together. Joyce loves this holday very much. She likes to make everything perfect for this day and she starts the preparations for the holiday very early. It\'s because she likes to make everything perfect for the holiday. She is very happy when the whole family gathers together for this big holiday. Besides her, Joyce\'s kids are here to help for the holiday but because they are kids, they can make some games while doing the preparations. Namely, Joyce\'s kids usually hide the objects needed for decoration of the property and that is nice until it doesn\'t interfere their mother\'s work.Let\'s see what is going on and help Joyce and her family prepare for the big holiday.

Click on an object in the scene if you found an object of interest


Hidden Objects ForFun



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